

Returns the orders that meet the given conditions.


Admin SDK
Admin.api('commerce.orders.find', request, function(response) { … });
  "conditions" : { // returns only the orders …
    "ids" : [ 1771949227, … ], // … with these identifiers - int(1…)
    "status" : [ "New", … ], // … with these statuses, a status can be "New", "Open", "Ready", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Completed" or "Cancelled" - string
    "items" : [ 8029651, 8029652, … ], // … with any of these items (id) - int(1…)
    "isPaidFor" : true, // … paid for or not paid for - bool
    "fromNumber" : "7890", // … with a number greater or equal to this - string(1…32)
    "toNumber" : "8152", // … with a number lower or equal to this - string(1…32)
    "fromCreationTime" : "2013-09-01 12:00:00", // … with creation time equal or next to this - datetime
    "toCreationTime" : "2013-12-31 23:59:59", // … with creation time equal or previous to this - datetime
    "fromUpdateTime" : "2013-07-01 12:00:00", // … with last update time equal or next to this - datetime
    "toUpdateTime" : "2013-08-31 23:59:59", // … with last update time equal or previous to this - datetime
    "customer" : 4907, // … of this customer (id) - int(1…)
    "address" : "Baker Street", // … with this phrase in the address  - string(1…30)
    "labels" : [ 1, 3, … ], // … with these labels - int(1…64)
    "after" : 1771949227 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)  },
  "fields" : [ "id", "number", "status", … ], // returns only these fields - string
  "order" : [ "creationTime" ], // sort order of returned orders, can contain "id", "-id", "number", "-number", "status", "-status",
                                // "creationTime", "-creationTime", "updateTime", "-updateTime", "total", "-total",
                                // "taxedTotal", "-taxedTotal", "isPaidFor", "-isPaidFor", "customerName" and "-customerName" - string
  "limit" : 10, // maximum number of orders to return - int(1…)
  "first" : 0 // index of the first order to return - int(0…)


  "status" : "ok",
  "orders" : [ {
    "id" : 1771949227, // identifier - int(1…)
    "number" : "90471", // number - string(0…32)
    "status" : "Open", // status, can be "New", "Open", "Ready", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Completed" or "Cancelled" - string
    "creationTime": "2013-09-01 13:13:47", // creation time - datetime
    "updateTime" : "2013-09-02 16:08:11", // last update time - datetime
    "referenceType" : "Quote", // reference type, can be "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "ShippingInvoice", "Proforma", "CreditNote", "Receipt" or "PackingSlip" (can be null) - string
    "referenceNumber" : "700251", // reference number - string(0…32)
    "customer" : 4907, // customer (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "rounding" : { // rounding
      "mode" : "HalfUp", // mode, can be "Down", "HalfDown", "HalfEven" or "HalfUp" - string
      "rule" : "PerItem" // rule, can be "PerItem", "PerLine" or "Total" - string
    "locale" : "en-GB", // locale (ISO code) of the customer, region is not mandatory - string(2…5)
    "taxArea" : 7, // tax area (id) used for tax calculations - int(1…)
    "items" : [ { // items
      "sku" : "A927TP", // SKU - string(0…40)
      "name" : "Shirt", // name - string(0…255)
      "quantity" : 3.00, // quantity - decimal[8,2](0…)
      "price" : 56.330, // price (excluded taxes) - decimal[10,3]
      "totalPrice" : 168.99, // total price (excluded taxes) - decimal[10,2]
      "weight" : 0.450, // weight - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxCode" : "VAT", // tax code - string(0…32)
      "taxRate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxAmount" : 112.66, // tax amount - decimal[10,2]
      "requests" : "..." // customer requests - string(0…255)
    }, … ],
    "coupon" : "PROMO", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
    "prediscountSubtotal" : 69.54, // prediscount subtotal - decimal[10,2]
    "taxedPrediscountSubtotal" : 110.89, // prediscount subtotal, tax included - decimal[10,2]
    "discounts" : [ { // discounts, up to 5
      "type" : "PercentOff", // type, can be "PercentOff" or "AmountOff" - string
      "value" : 20.000 // value, must be greater than zero and if percentage must be less than or equal to 100 - decimal[8,3](0…)
    }, {
      "type" : "AmountOff",
      "value" : 10.450
    }, … ],
    "discountsIncludeTaxes" : false, // indicates if discounts include taxes - bool
    "subtotal" : 69.54, // subtotal - decimal[10,2]
    "taxedSubtotal" : 110.89, // subtotal, taxes included - decimal[10,2]
    "shippingMethod" : { // shipping method (can be null)
      "id" : 14, // identifier (can be null) - int(1…)
      "name" : "FedEx", // name - string(0…80)
      "cost" : 8.572, // cost - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxCode" : "TVA", // tax code - string(0…32)
      "taxRate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxAmount" : 1.63 // tax amount - decimal[8,2](0…)
    "paymentMethod" : { // payment method (can be null)
      "id" : 3, // identifier (can be null) - int(1…)
      "name" : "Credit Card", // name - string(0…80)
      "cost" : 1.200, // cost (fee) - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxCode" : "TVA", // tax code - string(0…32)
      "taxRate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxAmount" : 0.23 // tax amount - decimal[8,2](0…)
    "taxes" : [ { // taxes for each tax class
      "code" : "VAT", // tax class code - string(0…32)
      "name" : "Generic", // tax class name - string(0…60)
      "rate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxableTotal" : 89.23, // taxable total - decimal[10,2]
      "amount" : 31.25 // tax amount - decimal[10,2]
    }, … ],
    "taxAmount" : 31.25, // tax amount - decimal[10,2]
    "total" : 89.23, // total - decimal[10,2]
    "taxedTotal" : 120.48, // total, tax included - decimal[10,2]
    "isPaidFor" : true, // indicates if it is paid for - bool
    "quantity" : 7.00, // total number of items quantity - decimal[10,2](0…)
    "weight" : 1.351, // total weight of items - decimal[8,3](0…)
    "invoiceRecipient" : "AB7TR6K", // electronic invoice recipient code or PEC email address - string(0…256)
    "customerName" : "Investigations Inc", // customer's name - string(1…100)
    "billingAddress" : { // billing address
      "firstName" : "Sherlock", // first name - string(1…25)
      "lastName" : "Holmes", // last name - string(1…25)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "companyCode2" : "7J BA3 006", // second company code number - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) - string(2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address - string(3…120)    },
    "shippingAddress" : { // shipping address (can be null)
      "name" : "John", // recipient name - string(1…100)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // province, state or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB" // country (ISO code) - string(2)    },
    "sellerAddress" : { // seller address
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(0…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(0…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(0…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) - string(0…2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address - string(0…120)    },
    "requests" : "", // customer requests - string(0…65535)
    "terms" : "", // terms and conditions - string(0…65535)
    "ip" : "" // IP address of the device that made the order (can be null) - string(3…39)  }, … ]


Returns an order given its identifier.


Admin SDK
Admin.api('commerce.orders.get', request, function(response) { … });
  "id" : 1771949227, // identifier (required) - int(1…)
  "fields" : [ "id", "number", "status", … ] // fields to return - string


  "status" : "ok",
  "order"  : { // (can be null)
    "id" : 1771949227, // identifier - int(1…)
    "number" : "90471", // number - string(0…32)
    "status" : "Open", // status, can be "New", "Open", "Ready", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Completed" or "Cancelled" - string
    "creationTime": "2013-09-01 13:13:47", // creation time - datetime
    "updateTime" : "2013-09-02 16:08:11", // last update time - datetime
    "referenceType" : "Quote", // reference type, can be "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "ShippingInvoice", "Proforma", "CreditNote", "Receipt" or "PackingSlip" (can be null) - string
    "referenceNumber" : "700251", // reference number - string(0…32)
    "customer" : 4907, // customer (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "rounding" : { // rounding
      "mode" : "HalfUp", // mode, can be "Down", "HalfDown", "HalfEven" or "HalfUp" - string
      "rule" : "PerItem" // rule, can be "PerItem", "PerLine" or "Total" - string
    "locale" : "en-GB", // locale (ISO code) of the customer, region is not mandatory - string(2…5)
    "taxArea" : 7, // tax area (id) used for tax calculations - int(1…)
    "items" : [ { // items
      "sku" : "A927TP", // SKU - string(0…40)
      "name" : "Shirt", // name - string(0…255)
      "quantity" : 3.00, // quantity - decimal[8,2](0…)
      "price" : 56.330, // price (excluded taxes) - decimal[10,3]
      "totalPrice" : 168.99, // total price (excluded taxes) - decimal[10,2]
      "weight" : 0.450, // weight - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxCode" : "VAT", // tax code - string(0…32)
      "taxRate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxAmount" : 112.66, // tax amount - decimal[10,2]
      "requests" : "..." // customer requests - string(0…255)
    }, … ],
    "coupon" : "PROMO", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
    "prediscountSubtotal" : 69.54, // prediscount subtotal - decimal[10,2]
    "taxedPrediscountSubtotal" : 110.89, // prediscount subtotal, tax included - decimal[10,2]
    "discounts" : [ { // discounts, up to 5
      "type" : "PercentOff", // type, can be "PercentOff" or "AmountOff" - string
      "value" : 20.000 // value, must be greater than zero and if percentage must be less than or equal to 100 - decimal[8,3](0…)
    }, {
      "type" : "AmountOff",
      "value" : 10.450
    }, … ],
    "discountsIncludeTaxes" : false, // indicates if discounts include taxes - bool
    "subtotal" : 69.54, // subtotal - decimal[10,2]
    "taxedSubtotal" : 110.89, // subtotal, taxes included - decimal[10,2]
    "shippingMethod" : { // shipping method (can be null)
      "id" : 14, // identifier (can be null) - int(1…)
      "name" : "FedEx", // name - string(0…80)
      "cost" : 8.572, // cost - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxCode" : "TVA", // tax code - string(0…32)
      "taxRate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxAmount" : 1.63 // tax amount - decimal[8,2](0…)
    "paymentMethod" : { // payment method (can be null)
      "id" : 3, // identifier (can be null) - int(1…)
      "name" : "Credit Card", // name - string(0…80)
      "cost" : 1.200, // cost (fee) - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxCode" : "TVA", // tax code - string(0…32)
      "taxRate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxAmount" : 0.23 // tax amount - decimal[8,2](0…)
    "taxes" : [ { // taxes for each tax class
      "code" : "VAT", // tax class code - string(0…32)
      "name" : "Generic", // tax class name - string(0…60)
      "rate" : 19.00, // percent tax - decimal[4,2](0…)
      "taxableTotal" : 89.23, // taxable total - decimal[10,2]
      "amount" : 31.25 // tax amount - decimal[10,2]
    }, … ],
    "taxAmount" : 31.25, // tax amount - decimal[10,2]
    "total" : 89.23, // total - decimal[10,2]
    "taxedTotal" : 120.48, // total, tax included - decimal[10,2]
    "isPaidFor" : true, // indicates if it is paid for - bool
    "quantity" : 7.00, // total number of items quantity - decimal[10,2](0…)
    "weight" : 1.351, // total weight of items - decimal[8,3](0…)
    "invoiceRecipient" : "AB7TR6K", // electronic invoice recipient code or PEC email address - string(0…256)
    "customerName" : "Investigations Inc", // customer's name - string(1…100)
    "billingAddress" : { // billing address
      "firstName" : "Sherlock", // first name - string(1…25)
      "lastName" : "Holmes", // last name - string(1…25)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "companyCode2" : "7J BA3 006", // second company code number - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) - string(2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address - string(3…120)    },
    "shippingAddress" : { // shipping address (can be null)
      "name" : "John", // recipient name - string(1…100)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // province, state or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB" // country (ISO code) - string(2)    },
    "sellerAddress" : { // seller address
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(0…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(0…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(0…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) - string(0…2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address - string(0…120)    },
    "requests" : "", // customer requests - string(0…65535)
    "terms" : "", // terms and conditions - string(0…65535)
    "ip" : "" // IP address of the device that made the order (can be null) - string(3…39)  }


Number of orders that meet the given conditions.


Admin SDK
Admin.api('commerce.orders.count', request, function(response) { … });
  "conditions" : { // counts the orders …
    "ids" : [ 1771949227, … ], // … with these identifiers - int(1…)
    "status" : [ "New", … ], // … with these statuses, a status can be "New", "Open", "Ready", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Completed" or "Cancelled" - string
    "items" : [ 8029651, 8029652, … ], // … with any of these items (id) - int(1…)
    "isPaidFor" : true, // … paid for or not paid for - bool
    "fromNumber" : "7890", // … with a number greater or equal to this - string(1…32)
    "toNumber" : "8152", // … with a number lower or equal to this - string(1…32)
    "fromCreationTime" : "2013-09-01 12:00:00", // … with creation time equal or next to this - datetime
    "toCreationTime" : "2013-12-31 23:59:59", // … with creation time equal or previous to this - datetime
    "fromUpdateTime" : "2013-07-01 12:00:00", // … with last update time equal or next to this - datetime
    "toUpdateTime" : "2013-08-31 23:59:59", // … with last update time equal or previous to this - datetime
    "customer" : 4907, // … of this customer (id) - int(1…)
    "address" : "Baker Street", // … with this phrase in the address  - string(1…30)
    "labels" : [ 1, 3, … ], // … with these labels - int(1…64)
    "after" : 1771949227 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)  }


  "status" : "ok",
  "count" : 5470 // number of orders - int(0…)


Creates a new order.


Admin SDK
Admin.api('commerce.orders.create', request, function(response) { … });
  "order" : { // order to create (required)
    "number" : "2011/5613", // number, if empty it takes the next order number - string(1…32)
    "status" : "Open", // status, can be "New", "Open", "Ready", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Completed" or "Cancelled" - string
    "creationTime" : "2013-09-01 12:00:00", // creation time, if empty it takes the current time - datetime
    "referenceType" : "Quote", // reference type, can be "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "ShippingInvoice", "Proforma", "CreditNote", "Receipt" or "PackingSlip" (can be null) - string
    "referenceNumber" : "2013/7301", // reference number - string(0…32)
    "customer" : 4907, // customer (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "rounding" : { // rounding
      "mode" : "HalfUp", // mode, can be "Down", "HalfDown", "HalfEven" or "HalfUp" - string
      "rule" : "PerItem" // rule, can be "PerItem", "PerLine" or "Total" - string
    "locale" : "en-GB", // locale (ISO code) of the customer, region is not mandatory - string(2…5)
    "coupon" : "PROMO", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
    "items" : [ { // items
      "sku" : "A927TP", // SKU - string(0…32)
      "name" : "Shirt", // name - string(0…255)
      "quantity" : 3.00, // quantity - decimal[8,2](0…)
      "price" : 56.330, // price (excluded taxes) - decimal[10,3]
      "weight" : 0.450, // weight - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxClass" : 2, // tax class (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
      "requests" : "…" // customer requests - string(0…255)
    }, … ],
    "discounts" : [ { // discounts, up to 5
      "type" : "PercentOff", // type, can be "PercentOff" or "AmountOff" - string
      "value" : 20.000 // value, must be greater than zero and if percentage must be less than or equal to 100 - decimal[8,3](0…)
    }, {
      "type" : "AmountOff",
      "value" : 10.450
    }, … ],
    "discountsIncludeTaxes" : false, // indicates if discounts include taxes - bool
    "shippingMethod" : 3, // shipping method (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "shippingCost" : 8.572, // shipping cost, if null it is calculated by the shipping method (can be null) - decimal[8,3](0…)
    "paymentMethod" : 8, // payment method (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "paymentCost" : 1.200 // payment cost, if null it is calculated by the payment method (can be null) - decimal[8,3](0…)
    "isPaidFor" : true, // indicates if it is paid for - bool
    "invoiceRecipient" : "AB7TR6K", // electronic invoice recipient code or PEC email address - string(0…256)
    "billingAddress" : { // billing address (required)
      "firstName" : "Sherlock", // first name (required) - string(1…25)
      "lastName" : "Holmes", // last name (required) - string(1…25)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "companyCode2" : "7J BA3 006", // second company code number - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row (required) - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city  (required) - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code (required) - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) (required) - string(2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address (required) - string(3…120)    },
    "shippingAddress" : { // shipping address (can be null)
      "name" : "John", // recipient name (required) - string(1…100)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row (required) - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city (required) - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code (required) - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // province, state or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB" // country (ISO code) (required) - string(2)    },
    "sellerAddress" : { // seller address
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(0…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(0…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(0…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) - string(0…2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address - string(0…120)    },
    "requests" : "…", // customer requests - string(0…65535)
    "terms" : "…", // terms and conditions - string(0…65535)    
    "ip" : "" // IP address of the device that made the order (can be null) - string(3…39)


  "status" : "ok",
  "id" : 1771949227 // identifier of the new order - int(1…)


Field Type Description
country InvalidValue No tax areas for country '<country>'
country MissingCombination Country of seller address is required if 'stateProv' is provided
creationTime InvalidValue Creation time '<creationTime>' is in the future
customer NotFound Customer <customer> does not exist
discounts InvalidValue Amount off discount can not be applied to a zero subtotal
discounts Malformed There can be no more than 5 discounts
invoiceRecipient Malformed '<invoiceRecipient>' is not a recipient code or email address
ip Malformed IP '<ip>' is not in the RFC 5952 canonical representation format
ip Malformed '<ip>' is not a well formed IP address
locale Malformed '<locale>' is not a valid locale code
paymentMethod InvalidCombination Payment method is required if payment cost is provided
paymentMethod InvalidValue No payment methods can be used if total is zero or negative
paymentMethod InvalidValue Payment method <paymentMethod> can not be used in combination with shipping method <shippingMethod>
paymentMethod InvalidValue Payment method <paymentMethod> is not suitable for this order
paymentMethod NotFound Payment method <paymentMethod> does not exist
shippingMethod InvalidCombination Shipping method is required if shipping cost is provided
shippingMethod InvalidValue Shipping method <shippingMethod> is not suitable for this order
shippingMethod MissingCombination Shipping method is required because the payment method is on delivery
shippingMethod NotFound Shipping method <shippingMethod> does not exist
taxClass NotFound Tax class <taxClass> does not exist


  • Per assegnare ad un ordine il prossimo numero in modo progressivo, non indicare il numero d'ordine nella richiesta.
  • Non indicare rounding se si vuole utilizzare l'impostazione globale.


Updates an order. Any fields left out of the request will remain unchanged.


Admin SDK
Admin.api('commerce.orders.update', request, function(response) { … });
  "id" : 1771949227, // identifier of the order to update (required) - int(1…)
  "order" : { // order's fields to update (required)
    "number" : "2013/5613", // number - string(1…32)
    "status" : "Open", // status, can be "New", "Open", "Ready", "Shipped", "Delivered", "Completed" or "Cancelled" - string
    "referenceType" : "Quote", // reference type, can be "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "ShippingInvoice", "Proforma", "CreditNote", "Receipt" or "PackingSlip" (can be null) - string
    "referenceNumber" : "2013/7301", // Reference number - string(0…32)
    "customer" : 4907, // customer (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "rounding" : { // rounding
      "mode" : "HalfUp",  // mode, can be "Down", "HalfDown", "HalfEven" or "HalfUp" - string
      "rule" : "PerItem"  // rule, can be "PerItem", "PerLine" or "Total" - string
    "locale" : "en-GB", // locale (ISO code) of the customer, region is not mandatory - string(2…5)
    "coupon" : "PROMO", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
    "items" : [ { // items
      "sku" : "A927TP", // SKU - string(0…32)
      "name" : "Shirt", // name - string(0…255)
      "quantity" : 3.00, // quantity - decimal[8,2](0…)
      "price" : 56.330, // price (excluded taxes) - decimal[10,3]
      "weight" : 0.450, // weight - decimal[8,3](0…)
      "taxClass" : 2, // tax class (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
      "requests" : "…" // customer requests - string(0…255)
    }, … ],
    "discounts" : [ { // discounts, up to 5
      "type" : "PercentOff", // type, can be "PercentOff" or "AmountOff" - string
      "value" : 20.000 // value, must be greater than zero and if percentage must be less than or equal to 100 - decimal[8,3](0…)
    }, {
      "type" : "AmountOff",
      "value" : 10.450
    }, … ],
    "discountsIncludeTaxes" : false, // indicates if discounts include taxes - bool
    "shippingMethod" : 5, // shipping method (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "shippingCost" : 8.572, // shipping cost, if null it is calculated by the shipping method (can be null) - decimal[8,3](0…)
    "paymentMethod" : 3, // payment method (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
    "paymentCost" : 1.200 // payment cost, if null it is calculated by the payment method (can be null) - decimal[8,3](0…)
    "isPaidFor" : true, // indicates if it is paid for - bool
    "invoiceRecipient" : "AB7TR6K", // electronic invoice recipient code or PEC email address - string(0…256)
    "billingAddress" : { // billing address
      "firstName" : "Sherlock", // first name (required) - string(1…25)
      "lastName" : "Holmes", // last name (required) - string(1…25)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "companyCode2" : "7J BA3 006", // second company code number - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row (required) - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city  (required) - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code (required) - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) (required) - string(2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address (required) - string(3…120)    },
    "shippingAddress" : { // shipping address (can be null)
      "name" : "John", // recipient name (required) - string(1…100)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row (required) - string(1…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city (required) - string(1…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code (required) - string(1…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // province, state or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB" // country (ISO code) (required) - string(2)    },
    "sellerAddress" : { // seller address
      "companyName" : "Investigations Inc", // company name - string(0…100)
      "companyCode" : "INV8403MC1", // company code number - string(0…20)
      "personalCode" : "SH239IBA", // personal code - string(0…20)
      "street1" : "221b Baker Street", // street, first row - string(0…60)
      "street2" : "", // street, second row - string(0…60)
      "city" : "London", // city - string(0…25)
      "postalCode" : "NW1 6XE", // postal code - string(0…20)
      "stateProv" : "LND", // state, province or county - string(0…3)
      "country" : "GB", // country (ISO code) - string(0…2)
      "phoneNumber" : "+44+207 2243688", // phone number - string(0…15)
      "mobileNumber" : "", // mobile number - string(0…15)
      "faxNumber" : "", // fax number - string(0…15)
      "email" : "holmes@inv-london.com" // email address - string(0…120)    },
    "requests" : "…", // customer requests - string(0…65535)
    "terms" : "…", // terms and conditions - string(0…65535)
    "ip" : "" // IP address of the device that made the order (can be null) - string(3…39)


  "status" : "ok"


Field Type Description
country InvalidValue No tax areas for country '<country>'
country MissingCombination Country of seller address is required if 'stateProv' is provided
creationTime InvalidValue Creation time '<creationTime>' is in the future
customer NotFound Customer <customer> does not exist
discounts InvalidValue Amount off discount can not be applied to a zero subtotal
discounts Malformed There can be no more than 5 discounts
id NotFound Order <id> does not exist
invoiceRecipient Malformed '<invoiceRecipient>' is not a recipient code or email address
ip Malformed IP '<ip>' is not in the RFC 5952 canonical representation format
ip Malformed '<ip>' is not a well formed IP address
items Malformed An item id is repeated
items NotFound Order <id> does not have item <id>
paymentCost InvalidValue Order <id> has not a payment method
paymentMethod InvalidValue No payment methods can be used if total is zero or negative
paymentMethod InvalidValue Payment method <paymentMethod> can not be used in combination with shipping method <shippingMethod>
paymentMethod InvalidValue Payment method <paymentMethod> is not suitable for this order
paymentMethod NotFound Payment method <paymentMethod> does not exist
shippingCost InvalidValue Order <id> has not a shipping method
shippingMethod InvalidValue Shipping method <shippingMethod> is not suitable for this order
shippingMethod MissingCombination Shipping method is required because the payment method is on delivery
shippingMethod NotFound Shipping method <shippingMethod> does not exist
taxClass NotFound Tax class <taxClass> does not exist


Deletes one or more orders.


Admin SDK
Admin.api('commerce.orders.delete', request, function(response) { … });
  "ids" : [ 1771949227, … ] // identifiers of the orders to delete (required) - int(1…)


  "status" : "ok"